
Every month, learn about cutting-edge research happening at UC Berkeley, directly from the scientists themselves.

Come join us every Wednesday from 4:00-5:30 PM PST on Zoom for conversation in a friendly and relaxed setting.  All levels of ESL learners are welcome to join from the comfort of your own… more

Super Cinema, April 2024         The Offbeat!

Thursday, April 4 Gates of Heaven  … more

Join us for fun stories and songs during the winter season inside the Central Children's Room on the 4th Floor of the Central Branch! Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers and their families are all welcome… more

At eLibrary Help Hour at North Branch, you'll learn about our eLibrary resources, including streaming movies, eBooks, eAudiobooks, online magazines and newspapers.

Family storytime for ages 2-5

Mondays, 6:30PM-7:00PM

at the Central Library, 4th Floor  2090 Kittredge St in Berkeley