Job Search Websites
- City of Berkeley employment agency for 14 to 25 year old Berkeley residents
- Apply for jobs in March and October only
- You must pick up your own application at YouthWorks @2180 Milvia, 1st Floor.
- Contact YouthWorks at 510.981.4970
Youth Spirit Artworks
- Provides training and jobs within the arts for low-income and homeless youth ages 15 to 25.
- Offers three paid jobs training areas: Fine Art Program, Community Art Program, and Art Entrepreneurship and Sales.
- Business office, Art Studio & Retail Store at 1740 Alcatraz Avenue, near Adeline.
- Email or call 510 858-7229
Library Jobs for Young Adults
Youth Worker
- Applications for these job are handled by YouthWorks ONLY during the months of March and October.
- No experience necessary
- Must be 14-25
- If you are under 18, you will need a work permit.
- You may work no more than 15 hours/week.
- Benefits are not offered for this classification.
- For more info, call 510 981-4970.
- Must be a high school graduate and at least 18 years old
- These are part-time jobs.
- For more info, call 510 981-6800, or access the City of Berkeley's list of job openings.
Build Job Search Skills
- If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.
Opportunities for Teenagers & Young Adults
There is no guarantee these agencies have volunteer slots available. Call them!
- 924 Gilman
- Alameda County Community Food Bank
- EwasteCollective
- Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. Volunteer Services
- AmeriCorps
- Bay Area Peace Lantern Ceremony
- Baykeeper
- Berkeley Humane Society
- Berkeley Youth Alternatives (BYA)
- Chabot Space & Science Center
- Chaparral House
- Children's Book Project
- City of Berkeley Animal Shelter
- City of Berkeley Aging Services Division
- East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse
- Habitat for Humanity
- East Bay Jewish Coalition for Literacy
- East Bay Regional Park District
- Ecology Center
- Friends of Five Creeks
- Kaiser Medical Center
- La Peña
- Museum of Children's Art (MOCHA)
- Oakland Zoo
- Pets are Wonderful Support (PAWS)
- Project Open Hand
- Save The Bay
- Seva
- Sierra Club
- Spiral Gardens. Community Food Security Project
- St. Vincent de Paul. Dining Facility