Stories for Change: Aiden Thomas, author of Cemetery Boys

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Stories for Change: A YA Author Series

This Spring, Berkeley Public Library presents Stories for Change, an event series spotlighting some of today’s most exciting YA authors and stories that celebrate acceptance, understanding, and truth.

Stories for Change Presents Aiden Thomas’ Cemetery Boys: Yadriel is a gay trans boy looking for acceptance from his traditional Latinx family. That tradition involves acting as emissaries of Lady Death to help free souls trapped on Earth, a role that is held only by the men in his family. When Yadriel performs an initiation ceremony on his own and is granted the powers of a brujo by Lady Death herself, his chance to claim his role seems to be at hand! But when another brujo suddenly dies his family is thrown into turmoil, and the trouble only deepens when Yadriel finds himself bound to the spirit of a dead classmate, Julian. Yadriel must untangle the mystery of Julian’s death, expose the threat to the brujo community, save the world… and maybe fall in love with a ghost?

Join author Aiden Thomas for a conversation about this blockbuster debut novel! Jota Mercury, an international award winning drag king (who puts the "cheese" in Machismo), will be facilitating part of the event's conversation with Aiden.

Registration is required. Register for the event on Zoom.

This event is made possible by the generous support of the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library. 

Explore all the other events in our Stories for Change series here and here!


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Author Aiden Thomas and Cemetery Boys
Jota Mercury
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