Let's lift the downsides of preparing your resume by offering you the help you may need: Information about today's best practices for resumes. How to increase your chances of passing through the digital screening software. Most of all, how to prepare a resume that shows the best of you, your capabilities, and your strengths. Many job seekers with stellar achievements and outstanding communication, leadership, and other skills find their shining qualities evaporate when they put them on paper. This common problem can be overcome. In the current job market, resilience, current knowledge, optimism, and confidence about your future career will boost your energy. Let's inspire each other with our insights
Attend via Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85485354983
For more information, visit Marilyn's Meetup.com group: https://www.meetup.com/Resume-Workshops-San-Francisco-Oakland-East-Bay/events/
After the workshop attendees will have the option to coordinate with Marilyn to arrange a free one on one resume critque session over Zoom or the phone.