Electronic Resources

Basic Internet @North

Join us in the North Branch Community Meeting Room for instruction, guided learning, and group Q&A. This workshop is geared toward new internet users and folks who are not yet comfortable and confident internet users.

Here we will cover: types of internet connections, browsers and functionality, apps, files, and safety measures. You may bring your own device(s) or use ours; we ask that your personal items arrive charged up and ready to go.

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Switching from Overdrive to Libby (and using other e-Resources) @Central

The OverDrive app will sunset at the end of April 2023, users will need to move to their primary app Libby.

Come to the Central Library's Electronic classroom and learn how to use Libby, along with several other top library resources. Feel free to bring your own mobile device, or use our library computers. Please know you Apple ID/password if you are planning to install Libby on your iphone/ipad.  Also please bring a library card or know your library card number so you can follow along with the activties.



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