1909-1917: Claremont Branch was opened in 1909, and was originally located in Emerson School on Piedmont & Forest Avenues.
1917-1923: The Branch was moved to 2939 College Avenue in November 1917. By March 1923 Claremont was located at 2704 Russell Avenue.
1924-2011: Opening in November 1924, the core of the current building located at 2940 Benvenue was built for $24,000 and designed by James Plachek. In 1975-1976 a significant addition was constructed in what was a neighboring residential lot (once the house occupying the lot was sold for $1.00 and removed a short distance away). This addition included a new children's wing and community space, and was designed by Ratcliff, Slama & Cadwalader, costing $213,000.
2011-Present: With the passing ofMeasure FF Claremont has undergone significant remodeling and historically-sensitive restoration.