Board of Library Trustees

The Berkeley Public Library is administered by a Board of Library Trustees [BOLT], the only appointed administrative Board in the City. The Board consists of five Berkeley residents; one member of the Board must also be a member of the City Council.

Members of the Board are appointed for four year terms by the City Council as a whole.

Current Members are:

  • Shoshana O'Keefe (City Council liaison appointment expires 01/31/2026 or until new appointments are made.*)
  • Beverly Greene (term expires 08/30/2025*)
  • Amy Roth (term expires 01/03/2026)
  • Tanir Ami (term expires 11/7/2027*)
  • Priscilla Villanueva (term expires 09/03/2028*)

* = eligible for reappointment

The Board of Library Trustees meets regularly on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 P.M. Rescheduling sometimes occurs; call the Library Administrative office at 510-981-6195 to verify time and date. Meeting locations are subject to change. You can find current and previous agenda packets in the Next Meeting and Meeting Material section below. The packet is available at all Library locations and online.

Bylaws of the City of Berkeley Board of Library Trustees (BOLT) - updated December 6, 2023

Board of Library Trustees Meeting Policy - approved December 6, 2017 can be found on the Library Policies page.

Board of Library Trustees Vacancies Policy - updated December 6, 2023 can be found on the Library Policies page.

Berkeley Public Library 2024-2028 Strategic Plan – Mission, Vision, Values adopted January 2024; plan finalized April 2024

BOLT ContactLibrary Contact

Contact Us (Library Administration) 
Tess Mayer, Director of Library Services,
BOLT Secretary

Next Meeting and Meeting Materials

Wednesday, April 2, 2025, Board of Library Trustees Regular Meeting at 6:30pm at West Branch, 1125 University Avenue. 

​** For meetings conducted exclusively via videoconference/teleconference, please see the agenda for instructions on how to participate via phone, video, or written communication.



Packet PDF File


Minutes PDF File


Regular Meeting 





Regular Meeting



draft minutes


Regular Meeting 





Regular Meeting 




* Note: Beginning with the July 2010 meeting, the Berkeley Public Library will post audio of all BOLT meetings. The audio is available in .MP3 or .WMA formats (requires either the Microsoft Windows Media player (PC) or Microsoft Silverlight plugin (Mac OS X & PC) to play back.)

For agenda and minutes of BOLT meetings prior to 2020, look for the archives on the right side of this web page.

For agendas and minutes of BOLT meetings prior to January 2007, contact Library Administration at 510-981-6195.

Board of Library Trustees Meeting Policy - The Board of Library Trustees (BOLT) Meeting Policy provides BOLT with rules to consistently and efficiently carry out the public comment process and to ensure that the meetings are run with a level of decorum that aids the Board of Library Trustees in carrying out its required business.

Privacy Information: Communications to Berkeley boards, commissions or committees are public record and become part of the City’s electronic records, which are accessible to the public through the City’s website. 

Please note: e-mail addresses, names, addresses, and other contact information are not required, but if included in any communication to a City board, commission or committee, will become part of the public record. If you do not want your e-mail address or any other contact information to be made public, you may deliver communications via U.S. Postal Service or in person to the secretary of the relevant board, commission or committee. 

If you do not want your contact information included in the public record, please do not include that information in your communication. Please contact the secretary to the relevant board, commission or committee for further information.