The schools below offer an assortment of classes. Typical class names include Computer Literacy, Keyboarding, and Word Processing.
- Berkeley City College
Offers many classes, beginning to advanced, short and long term. Located at 2050 Center Street, Berkeley (near Downtown Berkeley BART). - College of Alameda
CIS 205 Computer Literacy is a basic class. Located at 555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway, Alameda. - Contra Costa College
CIS 110 and CIS 135 are basic classes. Located at 2600 Mission Bell Dr., San Pablo. - Laney College
CIS 205 Computer Literacy is a basic class. Located at 900 Fallon St., Oakland (near Lake Merritt BART). - Merritt College
CIS 205 and CIS 233 are introductory classes. Located at 12500 Campus Dr., Oakland.