Personalized Book Picks

Let us help you find more books to read! 

Based on the interests you indicate, library staff will identify 3-6 books (or audiobooks!) for you and will place them on hold. Your personalized book picks will be placed on hold in your account within one week after you submit this form. Expect an email when the materials are ready, and you will have one week to pick them up at the Berkeley Public Library location of your choosing.

What format would you like?
Choose formats. Select all that apply.
What types of books would you like in this batch? (Check as many as you like.)
Are you requesting specific book titles, series, or authors?
Please include any helpful information; for example, which series number, books already read. If you are requesting a specific topic, please change your answer above from "Yes" to "No" and then continue.
Books are...
If books are for the child to read, please include at least some books at the child's reading level. This will help us select books at an appropriate level. Thanks!
I want books that are
If this is for a school assignment please share details here
May we contact you later for a brief survey about your experience receiving Personalized Book Picks?