Cafe Ohlone Talks @BPL

- (ended)

Berkeley Public Library and mak-'amham present: Cafe Ohlone Talks @ BPL, a regular series!

Every month, join mak-‘amham/Cafe Ohlone founders Vincent Medina and Louis Trevino as they discuss a topic related to East Bay Ohlone culture, experiences, and community. Through this partnership, the Berkeley community as a whole can learn about and celebrate East Bay Ohlone culture as a vital, vibrant part of the Bay Area's past, present, and future. Keep an eye on this event page and the BPL newsletter for upcoming topics!

Because of the seasonal nature of Cafe Ohlone, this series will take place over Zoom at 6 PM in some months at the cafe itself—with tea and brownies included!—at 3 PM in others. In-person sessions are limited to 40 guests due to space constraints, but Zoom sessions have unlimited attendance.

Zoom invitation:
Meeting ID: 872 8204 3060
Passcode: 344045
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