Don't Know Much About....Magic Mushrooms @Central

large mushroom with the head of a brain fills half the page
Magic Mushrooms @Central
- (ended)

If you came to our Psilocybin Event, you will have met Dejon Grant.

Mr Grant was so knowledgeable, informative and captivating that we had to get him to present on the topic he is most passionate about:  The Healing Properties of Psychedelic Mushrooms.

You may have heard about micro-dosing and the use of this fungus to treat depression.

Or perhaps this is new to you.  

If so, you are in for a real treat!  Dejon Grant has the answers to all your magic mushroom questions.

The purpose of the "Don't Know Much About....." series of programs is to come together, learn from each other and meet the expert in the room.  If you'd like to know more about upcoming events from this series, click here to get on our mailing list! Let us know what you would like to see next. 



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