Just for fun

Games, Crafts, makerspace, recreational
Games, Crafts, makerspace, recreational

Line Dancing @Central


New to Line Dance? Get started with step-by-step instruction of easy-to-do dances choreographed to a variety of music from Old Standards to Country, Latin, Rock-n-Roll, Hip Hop, and the

latest hit tunes. Learn and recognize Line Dance’s unique vocabulary and typical steps, patterns while improving your balance, footwork, cardiovascular activity, and stamina.

Instructor: Delia Schletter

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Gel Printing @Claremont

The Center for ArtEsteem will be leading a hands-on art activity at Claremont Branch to help us celebrate National Night Out and Claremont's 100th year. This activity will be for all ages and for all levels of experience.  The Center for ArtEsteem empowers individuals to be self-aware and inspired through art, creativity, and education, and to make positive choices to break the cycle of violence for themselves and their communities. In all of their work, they promote to understanding that we can choose peace over conflict and love over fear.

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Don't Know Much About....Police Work @Central

For July’s “Don’t Know Much About” we will explore the topic of police procedurals in popular crime novels and tv/movie portrayals.  

We welcome an expert who has 23 years of experience.

Bring examples from your favorite detective fiction and tv series or movie and find out how Hollywood matches up to the real thing. 

Just how sophisticated and quick are forensics? 

Is the force as misogynistic as shown?

Find out and let's discuss.

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Tarot For Teens @North

Join Leopard Tarot & Discover Your Tarot Card of the Year!

Teens, are you curious about tarot cards? Join us for a hands-on workshop where you will learn your card of the year (perfect for the start of the new school year). 

For hundreds of years, tarot cards have been used to interpret the world. The more you interact with tarot symbols and mythology, the more the tarot will reveal to you the everyday synchronicity that makes life worth living.

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Playgroup on the Lawn @North

Join us on the North Branch lawn for an afternoon playgroup where both kids and caregivers can meet up and make new friends!

Children of all ages are welcome. Toys and games will be provided along with bubbles and music. Toys include bean bag toss, ring toss, mini golf, parachute, building blocks, soft blocks, dolls, puppets, and more! 

Resources and program information will also be available for parents. 

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