Why do you need to watch out? The quick answer is: Old news may not fit a new day. As you update the Experience section of your resume, the temptation is to simply add your current or most recent job before earlier entries, but this may undermine your chances to be a good fit to the job you are presently seeking. Paying attention to key words used in job postings, as well as to industry and job trends can help you crash through the tsunami of resistance (digital scanning, also known as applicant tracking systems). Your job research may even suggest new and more viable opportunities today. In addition, your job responsibilities from the first day of your job may have expanded substantially, signaling you could move up a notch or two as you search for your next employment. We will discuss how to interpret job postings and ways to focus your achievements on challenges met, changes led, initiatives implemented, and differences made. We will also discuss the need to rewrite earlier job entries to more closely align with the position you seek now.
Attend the event via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89772510114
For more information, visit Marilyn's Meetup.com group: https://www.meetup.com/Resume-Workshops-San-Francisco-Oakland-East-Bay/events/
After the workshop attendees will have the option to coordinate with Marilyn to arrange a free one on one resume critque session over Zoom or the phone.