Story Time

Baby/Toddler Story Time @THP South

Join us for books, rhymes, lapjogs, tickles and songs geared for toddlers and babies.  This is a participatory program for you to playfully interact with your child while they are engaging in pre-literacy activities.  Please arrive early to get the most out of the program, sit with your child and keep your cell phones off and out of sight!  Stay and play after the program happens in the space with toys and manipulatives.


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*Canceled* Sensory Storytime @North *Canceled*

*September 30 Sensory Storytime is canceled*

Join us in the North Branch meeting room for an interactive and fun storytime designed for young children with sensory needs or difficulty being in large groups. Enjoy interactive stories, music, movement, and play in a small-group setting. For ages 2-4.

Limited to 12 children and their caregivers.  Registration is required. Please call 510-981-6250 or visit North Branch to register.

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