Story Time

This is Not My Home: Author-Illustrators Vivienne & Eugenia @Central

Join us for an event with author-illustrator duo Vivienne Chang and Eugenia Yoh!

Vivienne and Eugenia will perform a bilingual Mandarin-English reading of their book This is Not My Home, followed by an activity reflecting on home and culture, where you'll even be able to make your own book!

Best suited for ages 5-10.

Books will be available for sale from Books on B.


About the book:

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Character Story Time w/ Power of a Princess @Central

Join us for a Special Bilingual Spanish Character Story Time w/ Power of a Princess


Mirabel and Cinderella are visiting the library! Come for a story, crafts, and special Wish Ceremony!

(this is taking place in lieu of our Farmer's Market Story Time)


Saturday, March 18th, 10:30-11AM

Central Location, 4th Floor Children's Nonfiction Room

2090 Kittredge St.


About Power of a Princess:

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Bilingual Baby Bounce (Spanish/Español) @West

Bilingual Baby Bounce

Hora de cantos y regazo para bebés

We will gently read, sing, and move together to start building readiness for early literacy and bilingual awareness.

Traiga a su bebé y disfruten de dulces cantares, movimiento y hasta un poco de lectura para comenzar a familiarizarnos con las letras.

Who / Quienes:

Our baby bounce is appropriate for children aged approximately 6 to 30 months.

Nuestro programa es apropriado para niños de los 6 a los 30 meses.

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DJ Lance Rock & Friends Musical Story Time @Freight & Salvage

This week we're so excited for a special guest!

DJ Lance Rock of Yo Gabba Gabba, hit show on Nickelodeon, and Illustrator Jerome Lu will do a reading of his new children’s book The ABC’s of Awesomeness, with our Story Time Band kicking things off at 10:30am! Meet-and-greet will follow, and books will be available for sale.

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