Summer Learning 2024

Read Renew Repeat!

Nature scene drawing with children and a moose.español Arabic (language)

May 31, 2024 July 31, 2024

Welcome to the Berkeley Public Library’s Summer Challenge!

Sign up and receive a free book while supplies last. Come back when you have finished to pick up a second free book! Kids will also receive a Five Little Monkeys gift card and instructions for free Cal Football tickets.

Complete the Summer Challenge for a chance to win in the August prize drawing.

Don’t forget to log your Summer Reading activities and apply your tickets towards the prize(s) you hope to win.

Click the following questions to learn the answers!

What is Beanstack?

Beanstack is the Library’s web-based summer reading software. It allows you to track your Summer Reading minutes and activities online. There is even an app! Even if you’re using a paper game card, log your activities online to be entered into the prize drawing.

How do I sign up on Beanstack?

Go to

  • If you have registered on Beanstack in previous years, login with your email address and password. If you forgot your password, reset it online or call the Central Library (510) 981-6223 for help.
  • If you are registering for the first time, click on the red “register an individual or family” button and fill in your information.

Note for families: Beanstack allows families to be linked together under one login and email. If you are an adult registering a child, be sure to enter your information under “Adult Information.” To toggle between users, click the top right username button.

How do I log Summer Reading activities on Beanstack?

Go to

  • Click on the red “log reading and activities” button in the upper left corner or on the blue plus sign on the app.
  • Follow the prompts on the screen to log what you have accomplished to earn badges.
What is a badge and how do I earn one?

A badge is a colored-in marker of your progress, numbered from 1 to 10. You earn badges for completing Summer Reading activities. For children, 30 badges complete your Summer Reading Challenge and you receive 10 tickets to apply to the prize drawing.

  • Children may earn badges each time they:
  • Read a book or an ebook for 20 minutes
  • Listen to a book or audiobook for 20 minutes
  • Attend a library program
  • Visit a museum (Get free passes with Discover and Go. Find out how on our website)
  • Go on a nature walk

Kids may repeat the process up to 5 times and earn a maximum of 50 tickets towards the drawing.

For teens & adults, complete your Summer Reading Challenge by engaging in the following activities:

  • Read a physical or digital book
  • Read a graphic novel or manga
  • Attend a library program
  • Write a poem or short story
  • Make a recipe from a cookbook
  • Read a magazine or e-magazine
  • Watch a free movie with Kanopy or Hoopla
  • Listen to an audiobook on Libby or Hoopla
  • Read your favorite book from childhood
  • Sing your favorite song
  • Listen to free music (digitally with Alexander Street, Hoopla, Naxos or check out vinyl and CDs!)
How do I enter the prize drawing?

To enter the prize drawing in August, be sure to apply the tickets you’ve earned from completing the Summer Reading Challenge to the prize drawing. Click on the “Ticket Drawings” to apply the tickets you’ve earned to the prizes of your choosing.

How do I get free Cal-UC Davis Football Tickets?

A special reward for K-8th graders: Complete the Berkeley Public Library Summer Challenge and earn 2 free tickets to the Cal vs. UC Davis football game on 8/31 at California Memorial Stadium! Once you finish the challenge, there are two ways to claim:

  • ONLINE: July 8th-August 20th at Upload a photo of your completed log or screenshot of beanstack (online platform) completion. Berkeley Public Library staff can help if needed! 


  • IN PERSON July 8th-August 31st: Turn reading log in at Cal Athletic Ticket Office (1923 Gridiron Way, Berkeley 94720, Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm)

The form will also offer the chance to purchase additional tickets for family members at a reduced cost!

Additional Questions??

Email us at or call (510) 981-6223.

Fun Summer Reads For Children


Fun Summer Reads For Teens


Fun Summer Reads For Grownups


Summer Reading Sponsor Logos

       Berkeley Bowl Marketplace logo Berkeley Ironworks logo Rialto Cinemas Oasis Pro Wrestling logoEndless Summer Sweets logoShotgun Players logoTransit Books logoOaktown Spice Shop logoLitquake logoLexie's Frozen Custard logoLeft Margin LIT logoGames of Berkeley logoice cream cone with green red and white scoops on top