LOLs. Cringe-worthy moments. Clever schemes. Satire. Dark humor. Honesty. Silliness. If you're looking for a good laugh, you've come to the right place.
Enter Title Here by Rahul Kanakia
In order to score a book deal, a lying, condescending high school overachiever has to turn herself into a quirky, light-hearted writer. It’s all a ploy to get into Stanford. Reshma Kapoor is the girl you’ll love to hate.
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
When a plane full of pageant contestants crashes on a small tropical island, they struggle to survive, to get along with one another, to combat the island's other diabolical occupants, and to learn their dance numbers in case they are rescued in time for the competition.
She's So Money by Cherry Cheva
When overachiever Maya is left in charge of her parent’s Thai restaurant for five days, an unexpected visit from the health department leaves her with a whopping fine. Afraid that the incident might get in the way of her escaping in the fall to Stanford, Maya teams up with Camden King, the mega popular super hottie of school, to cook up a money making scheme that will give Maya a taste of life as a bad girl.
The Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy by Kate Hattemer
Four high school juniors attend an Arts School, Selwyn Academy, which has been invaded by a KTV Reality Show, "For Arts Sake." The program pits student artists against each other for an arts college scholarship, but is really for ratings and big bucks for the producers. The four band together to protest the show subversively, using the power of poetry, tricolons, and a gerbil named Baconaisse.
Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen
In this horror-humor-romance tale, Cyn’s best friend Annie develops a huge crush on the new school librarian, Mr. Gabriel, who is pushing 30. Worse, he's also a demon, even if no one but Cyn has noticed his ritual summoning circle, or spotted his giant wingspan unfurl during study hall. He gets straight to work sucking the life force from the student body and making human sacrifices every other day or so. It's up to Cyn and her resistance to his charms to stop him, but how?
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
In the summer before her sophomore year, Frankie Landau-Banks transforms from “a scrawny, awkward child” with frizzy hair to a curvy beauty, “all while sitting quietly in a suburban hammock, reading the short stories of Dorothy Parker and drinking lemonade.” On her return to Alabaster Prep, her elite boarding school, she attracts the attention of gorgeous Matthew, who draws her into his circle of popular seniors. Then Frankie learns that he is a member of the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds, an all-male Alabaster secret society to which Frankie’s dad had once belonged. Excluded from belonging to or even discussing the Bassets, Frankie engineers her own guerilla membership by assuming a false online identity.
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