Lunch at the Library Week 5 @Central CMR

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On the menu for Week 5:



Wednesday, July 5th:

Serving 12-2PM:
Mac-n-Cheese w/ Broccoli + Fresh Fruit, Low-fat or Nonfat Milk

Movie 12-2PM
Animated film about a culinary rodent

Thursday, July 6th:

Serving 12-2PM:
Chicken or Veggie Salad Sub w/ Snap Peas + Fresh Fruit, Low-fat or Nonfat Milk

Cooking w/ AAVE Cafe 12:30-1:30PM: Indigenous Cultures & Cuisine of Turtle Island


General Information

Get some lunch! For youth Ages 18 and under

June 6th-August 10th - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays*

Served 12:00-2:00PM

You can also join activities like art and writing workshops, story times, cooking demos, films, and more. Menu and specific events will be posted once scheduled.

Funding provided by the State of California, as well as Friends of the Berkeley Public Library. In partnership with Berkeley Unified School District.

*closed July 4th holiday


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