Zipper Pouches for Teens @Central CMR

Zipper pouches
Ladybug prints on fabric
Potato stamps on fabric
- (ended)

During this workshop, participants will learn the basics of the sewing machine through creating a zipper pouch. Through the project, attendees will learn how to attach a zipper to a project and use a zipper foot. Simultaneously, this project will include a fabric stamping station where participants can stamp their pouch with household materials such as lemons, keys, and rubber bands to create custom patterns on their fabric.

This event is for teens and young adults.

Participants will create lined zipper pouch with custom stamp designs, learn how to attach a zipper (especially that it is not as scary as it seems!), and how to stamp your own custom designs on fabric using household materials. 

This program is limited to 15 attendees. 

Register for free here.

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