
At eLibrary Help Hour at North Branch, you'll learn about our eLibrary resources, including streaming movies, eBooks, eAudiobooks, online magazines and newspapers.

William Walsh, a certified yoga instructor,  will lead a 4 week series of yoga classes that emphasize alignment and gentle flowing movement in a supportive environment.  This class is… more

Family storytime for ages 2-5

Mondays, 6:30PM-7:00PM

at the Central Library, 4th Floor  2090 Kittredge St in Berkeley

Learn more about using eBooks, eAudiobooks and streaming movies in our Tuesday Tech Hour at Claremont Branch.

Ease into Yoga at North Branch with this 8-week series.

Join us for books, rhymes, lapjogs, tickles and songs geared for toddlers and babies.  This is a participatory program for you to playfully interact with your child while they are engaging in… more

Come join us every Tuesday from 10:30-12:00 PM PST on Zoom for conversation in a friendly and relaxed setting.  All levels of ESL learners are welcome to join from the comfort of your own… more

Free lunch for Youths ages 18 and under including activities like crafts, reading buddies, cooking demos, games and more.

Free lunch for Youths ages 18 and under including activities like crafts, reading buddies, cooking demos, games and more.

Need some basic tech help? 

West Branch added weekly 1:1 Tech Help for the months of May and June for the community! 

Tuesdays, 2-2:30 and 2:30-3pm