Bay Area Nature - The Photography of Satoko Myodo-Garcia

Contact: Michele McKenzie

Satoko Myodo-Garcia, exhibits digital color prints of Tilden Park from her Bay Area Nature photography series in Berkeley Public Library’s Central Catalog Lobby, 2090 Kittredge at Shattuck, downtown Berkeley, from March 19th through April 22nd.  The photographs on display were taken during early mornings and in all seasons in Tilden Park. Access to the exhibit is available during the library’s open hours: Monday 12 – 8; Tuesday 10- 8; Wednesday - Saturday, 10 – 6; Sunday 1 – 5. Self-taught photographer and alumna of UC Berkeley’s School of Architecture, Satoko Myodo-Garcia has used black and white photography as a fine art form for many years.  Her black and white photography focused on cityscapes and their architectural forms.  Her architectural photography has been exhibited in Berkeley, San Francisco and Paris.  She began her exploration of Bay Area nature with digital color photography over ten years ago in Cesar Chavez Park in the Berkeley Marina. Satoko Myodo-Garcia will discuss her work during a FREE artist’s reception on Saturday afternoon, April 7th, at 2:00 pm in the 1st floor Catalog of the Central Library. Wheelchair accessible.  Sponsored by the Friends of the Library ( For more information, call 510-981-6100 or connect
