Contact: Shani Leonards
Supervising Librarian
Berkeley Public Library
Changes in Recurring Children’s Programs and Registration Process @Claremont Branch Library
Berkeley, California. April 13, 2016 – You love our Children’s events so much! The Berkeley Public Library’s Claremont Branch is making changes to our weekly Baby & Toddler Story Time and Movement and Music programs to improve service and manage these popular programs that regularly draw crowds beyond the capacity of our space.
Starting April 8th, Claremont Branch Library will pause our Children’s programs. (There will not be no Tuesday Baby storytimes, Thursday Preschool story times or Friday Movement and Music Programs.) When we resume our regularly scheduled Children’s programs on April 22nd, patrons will reserve tickets online for Claremont’s weekly Baby & Toddler Storytime and Movement and Music programs using EventBrite, an online ticketing system used by other libraries. This is an improvement on the current system that involving waiting in line outside for physical tickets. Patrons can also go online via our website calendar and reserve a space for their child.
Registration for these programs goes live the day before each event. (For example, register on Thursdays, beginning April 21st at 12:00pm, the day before our Friday Music and Movement and Mondays beginning April 25th at 12:00pm for Tuesdays Baby & Toddler Story Time.)
Currently, Claremont’s Preschool Story Time does not require registration. This could change if it gets too crowded for safety. To see all of our children’s programs, please visit our online calendar. For questions about these changes or about our branch, please call 510-981-6280.
The Claremont Branch is located at 2940 Benvenue @Ashby, Berkeley CA 94705, and is open: Monday, 10:00am-6:00pm, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:00am-8:00pm, Thursday 12 noon-8:00pm, and Friday and Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm.
Wheelchair accessible. For questions, to request a sign language interpreter or other accommodations for this event, please call (510) 981-6195 (voice) or (510) 548-1240 (TTY); at least five working days will help ensure availability. Please refrain from wearing scented products to public programs. Visit the library’s website: